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Steve Boniwell

TNQ Hatch 2022-23

1 Nov 2022

Steve Boniwell


Steve Boniwell has worked in youth services for four years and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Indigenous Studies. He is an experienced gardener and handyman, with over 12 years of experience in these fields. Steve is also a licensed earthworks machine operator, with expertise in operating excavators, dozers, and loaders. He has experience building dams and working in quarries, which has given him a deep understanding of the land and its processes.

Steve’s passion for soil and water conservation has led him to pursue additional education and training. He completed Geoff Lawton’s Permaculture Design Course online in 2017 and attended Verge Permaculture in 2022. Through these courses, he has gained a deeper understanding of Permaculture Principles and techniques, which he has integrated into his work with Maximum Infiltration.

The Idea

Steve is a passionate advocate for the rehydration and regeneration of landscapes. He firmly believes that this is the most important work of our time, and his dedication to this cause has made him a respected figure in the field of soil and water advocacy. Steve is a permaculturalist and systems thinker who is always eager to learn and experiment with new ideas.

He is the creator of Maximum Infiltration, a revolutionary system that increases water infiltration time by a factor of 100. This technology has enabled nature to rehydrate and regenerate rapidly, restoring water cycles and growing topsoil. Steve’s work is grounded in the belief that healthy landscapes are the foundation for healthy communities, and that restoring water cycles is essential for ensuring a sustainable future for all.

Steve Boniwell is a dedicated and driven advocate for the rehydration and regeneration of landscapes. His work has the potential to transform the way we think about water conservation and management, and his commitment to learning and experimentation makes him a valuable asset to any team.

“During the Hatch program was great for clarifying the problem, identifying customers, helpful coaching insights and helped us to refine our value proposition and focus on that more.”

What's Next?

Steve is looking forward to networking with different companies and organisations to increase their presence online and at events or expos. He is aiming to learn more about the carbon requirements, methodologies and verification process as well as develop a pilot website.

Program Partners

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