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Gary Flechtner

Ideas Program 2

29 Feb 2020

Gary Flechtner


Gary is a farmer in Toowoomba, Queensland, who is working on developing a direct drill planter attachment. The attachment is targeted at broadacre farmers with livestock looking to address their compaction challenges.

Program Learning

Gary had previously built a first version of the product that is now in use on his own farm. This test version has shown the utility of the product while also revealing design changes required for the commercial version of the product. His focus coming into the F2F program was to identify how to access the required capital to build the commercial version of the product.

During the program, Gary began presenting the proposed commercial product to farmers locally with a view to signing up pre-sales of contracting services.

Gary plans to use revenue from pre-sales of the solution to fund the build of the machine. Gary believes that his participation in the F2F program has given him the confidence to pitch his idea to investors and future customers.

Program Partners

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