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Chris Delahunty

Ideas Program 1

28 Feb 2019

Chris Delahunty


Chris manages and co-owns a 6000ha grain farm in Wimmera Victoria and has spent many years working in the industry as an agronomist and risk assessor. Chris was frustrated with existing methods of predicting yield and thought there had to be a more tailored solution to solve the problem on his own farm.

As a result, Chris has spent the last four years developing a crop yield forecasting tool that accurately forecasts crop yield of any broad acre crop at different growth stages throughout the season. Chris believed his idea could benefit other growers that require rainfall to produce their crop and would therefore benefit from a crop yield forecasting tool

The idea

During the program, Chris conducted over 20 interviews to ensure he fully understood the current state of practice for yield forecasting and to specifically uncover limitations with the tools and methods currently in use. Chris also undertook a review of the forecasting tools and methods being used by agronomists.

By the end of the program, Chris had three farmers using the prototype of his yield forecasting tool to capture data in the critical period leading up to harvest and to compare the accuracy of his platform compared with existing methods. Chris has received good feedback from these early adopters and is committed to pursuing the idea further.

Program Partners

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